
Inflation coins

Wars and wasteful kings increased state costs in the late 16th century. Copper was added to coins to eke out the silver. This is clearly visible on some of the coins (6). Money became less valuable, prices rose and Sweden’s inflation rate peaked – at 800 per cent.

16 öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1562
, Object number1

  16 öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1562

16  öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1562
, Object number2

  16 öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1562

16  öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1563
, Object number3

  16 öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1563

4 öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1581
, Object number4

  4 öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1581

 öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1569
, Object number5

   öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1569

 öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1592
, Object number6

   öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1592