
4 öre, Stockholm, Johan III, 1581

The 4 öre coins struck between 1575 and 1582 had a silver content of 62.5 per cent, according to the 1574 and 1576 coinage ordinances. When the minting of 4 öre coins resumed in 1591, the silver content was only 9 per cent.

In the so-called ‘riksbok’ (‘book of state’), which was a compilation of the kingdom's finances, it is possible to follow the economic development of the country. The Riksbok had been created by John III to put the state finances in order. For the year 1582, we can read that the state's finances did not add up as the income that year was 570,000 daler and the expenditure was 740,000.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107971_KMK

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