
Farming changed

From small plots of land farmed by hand, to large fields and agricultural machinery. The fact that fewer people had to work in farming was a prerequisite for industrialisation. Some of the people who cultivated new land or improved their crops were even presented with medals for their efforts (2).

King Adolf Fredrik's award medal for new cultivation
, Object number2

  King Adolf Fredrik's award medal for new cultivation

The Royal Academy of Agriculture´s large gold medal
, Object number3

  The Royal Academy of Agriculture´s large gold medal

The Agricultural Society of Södermanland medal for controlled breeding of cattle.
, Object number4

  The Agricultural Society of Södermanland medal for controlled breeding of cattle.

Agricultural Society of Örebro made a commemorative medal over the agricultural reformer Olof Gabriel Hedengren.
, Object number5

  Agricultural Society of Örebro made a commemorative medal over the agricultural reformer Olof Gabriel Hedengren.

Plow model - Field model

  Plow model - Field model