
Money before money

People were trading with one another long before coins existed. Bartering was often used when trading essential goods such as food. But it was possible to use valuable items as payment for special purchases. You could pay with daggers (#) in the Stone Age, for example, or with gold spirals (#) in the Bronze Age.

Flint daggers, south Scandinavia, around 2400–1800 BC
, Object number1

  Flint daggers, south Scandinavia, around 2400–1800 BC

Neck ring with gold spirals, Scandinavia, around 1300–900 BC
, Object number2

  Neck ring with gold spirals, Scandinavia, around 1300–900 BC

Gold spirals, Scandinavia, around 400–550
, Object number3

  Gold spirals, Scandinavia, around 400–550