1 daler silvermynt, Stockholm, Karl XII, 1718
Five different coins featuring Roman gods were issued in Sweden in 1718. These were what are known as emergency coins – a kind of credit coin issued to strengthen the treasury.
One of the emergency coins depicted the god Jupiter, ruler of weather, storms and lightning. He is holding a rod that strikes lightning in four directions. At his feet is an eagle with wings outspread. The denomination is indicated within a laurel wreath and three crowns. The eagle symbolises fighting efficiency, the laurel wreath is a sign of victory.
Engravers: Carl Gustav Hartman, Zachris Hartwig Arensburg, Anders Wikman. The Stockholm mint.
Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 115598_KMK
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