
1/2 penning, Lödöse, Magnus Eriksson, 1360–1364

This is a half-penning, also known as an obol. The coin has a smooth ring and was issued during Magnus Eriksson’s last year on the throne. The half-pennings issued may bear the letter L, like the one on display, but half-pennings bearing other letters such as E, H or S have also been found. All these coins are rare, only a few have been found. It is therefore assumed that not very many of them were issued.

Corresponding letters can also be seen on full pennings of the same coin type. We do not know where the coins were struck, but both the half-pennings and the full pennings are believed to have been struck in around 1360 to 1364.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3045139

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