
1 riksdaler, Stockholm, Karl XI, 1676

Under King Karl XI (1660–1697), the riksdaler was minted for only one year, 1676, and 791 of these coins were made. The coins were struck in Stockholm when Daniel Faxell was mintmaster and Gustaf Ljungberger was engraver.

On the obverse (front), we see Karl XI with armour, pauldrons and cloak. Around the king we see his name and title: “Karl XI by the grace of God, King of Sweden”, in Latin.

On the reverse is the large Swedish coat of arms with an inescutcheon, a smaller shield in the centre, on which we see the coat of arms of the Carolingian Palatinate family. The inscription, the text that runs along the edge of the coin, shows one of Karl XI’s three mottoes, also in Latin: “The Lord my destiny, he himself shall do it”. This was the same motto used by Karl XI’s father before him.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3117580

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