
Medal of Claes Grill. Engraver Daniel Fehrman. 1767.

The medal in the display case shows the merchant Claes Grill (1705-1767). In 1725 Claes Grill became a partner in the trading house Abraham & Carlos Grill, founded by his father Abraham Grill (1674-1725) and uncle Carlos Grill. From 1736 Claes Grill was the sole owner. Under Claes Grill's leadership, the trading house developed into Sweden's largest, with connections to trading houses throughout Europe. It acquired several Swedish mills, Söderfors (1748), Österby (1750) and Iggesund (1753). They exported iron, copper, tar and wood products. Claes Grill also ran a shipyard in Stockholm called Terra Nova. In 1753, Claes Grill also became director of the East India Company. From 1737 he was married to his cousin Anna Johanna Grill (1720-1778).

The medal was engraved by Daniel Fehrman in 1767 and on the obverse (front) Claes Grill is seen in profile. The inscription states that he was director of the Swedish East India Company.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3120979

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