
4 dukat, Wolgast, Gustav II Adolf, 1632

King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden fell on the battlefield at Lützen in Germany in 1632. When his remains were brought back to Sweden, they passed through the harbour town of Wolgast. Commemorative gold coins were awarded to selected individuals on the occasion of this event. A number of these commemorative coins were also thrown out among the others present.

The obverse (front) side of the coin shows the fallen king with the fleeing German army in the background. On the reverse (back), Gustav II Adolf is depicted in a triumphal carriage, and Liberty and Fortitude hold a laurel wreath above his head.

The town of Wolgast in northern Germany was occupied by Sweden from 1630, when Gustav II Adolf landed there. It was part of Swedish Pomerania and belonged to Sweden until 1815.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3118571

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