
Gros tournois, France, Tours, Louis IX, 1266

In 1266, Louis IX of France introduced the turnos (Gros tournois) denomination, which was a huge success as the coin was distributed and copied across Europe.

One side shows a cross with two rings containing inscriptions. The inner ring says LVDOVICVS REX (= King Louis). The outer one uses abbreviated words: BNDICTV SIT NOME DNI NRI DE IHV XPI (= Blessed be the name of our Lord God Jesus Christ).

On the other side, we see the inscription TVRONVS CIVIS (= City of Tours). A symbol of the city gate and church of Tours appear in the centre. The outer ring is filled with 12 lilies, a typical French heraldic symbol.

This coin was part of a treasure trove found at Vejby in Ängelholm, Skåne in 1870.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3117774

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