
2 öre kopparmynt, Avesta, Karl XI, 1664

The 2 öre copper coin was only minted under King Karl XI between 1661 and 1665. After 1665, all minting of öre copper coins ceased and instead copper coins were minted in öre silver coin denominations.

The 2 öre copper coin has three shields. On the obverse (front side) we see Sweden's small coat of arms three crowns and on the reverse (back side) the shield of the House of Bjälbo with a lion over three streams. Below the small coat of arms on the obverse is another shield. It is the mintmaster Isak Kock's mintmaster's mark. Isak was a mintmaster, i.e. the person who led the work in the mint, in Avesta from 1659 to 1665 and the son of the mint master Marcus Kock. In 1667, Isak was knighted and took the name Cronström.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3118896

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