
Schilling, Germany, Lübeck, 1432

This shilling was made in 1432 in the town of Lübeck, which was part of the Hanseatic League.

One side of the coin bears the coat of arms of the town of Lübeck, a double eagle, and the inscription indicates where the coin was made. The motif on the other side depicts a cross together with a common proverb in medieval Lübeck: CRUX FUGAT OMNE MALUM (= the cross dispels all evil).

At the time when this coin was made, Lübeck was at war with the Kalmar Union, which was made up of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. They were fighting over the right to levy customs duties on boats travelling through Öresund, the Sound, which was known as the Öresund Customs.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3117766

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