
Penning, Lödöse, Magnus Eriksson, 1354–1363

The mid-14th century was a trying time for Magnus Eriksson as King of Sweden (1319–1364). The ravages of the Black Death, a failed war in Finland that forced large loans and very expensive mortgaging in order to buy off Skåne had placed the kingdom’s economy in a difficult situation.

In an attempt to increase revenue, a decision was made in the 1350s to mint only penning coins with a lower silver content, and with a motif on one side only. This coin is one of those. We see within a radial ring is letter “L”, which refers to Lödöse, the place where the coin was made.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 102572_KMK

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