
1 riksdaler, Söderköping, Johan av Östergötland, 1617

This riksdaler was minted in Söderköping for Duke Johan of Östergötland. Between 1613 and 1617, the duke had the right to mint coins, granted to him by his cousin King Gustav II Adolf.

The coin bears the names of both Johan (JOHANNES) and King Gustav II Adolf. The motto on the obverse (front) is the same as that used by his father, King Johan III, and brother, King Sigismund: ‘DEUS PROTECTOR NOSTER’ - ‘God our protector’. On the reverse of the coin, unlike his uncle Duke Karl (King Karl IX), Johan does not include his provincial coat of arms. Instead, he has the same motif as the king - the three arms that made up the great national coat of arms: three crowns, the coat of arms of the House of Vasa with the vase and the coat of arms of the House of Bjälbo with the lion over three streams.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 110398_KMK

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