
4 daler silvermynt, Avesta, Fredrik I, 1723

4 daler silvermynt was the highest denomination among the plate coins of King Fredrik I of Sweden. 4 daler coins had been issued since the days of Queen Kristina, but the necessary weight had changed over time.

When Kristina issued her 4 daler coints, they weighed about 7 kilos. When Fredrik I issued his 4 daler coins 70 years later, in the 1720s, they weighed less than half that, only about 3 kilos.

Since the plate coins were full-bodied coins, where the metal value of the coin corresponds to the denomination, the real value of the 4 daler coin had decreased.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 401388_KMK

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