
6–penning, Åbo, Erik av Pommern, 1396–1439

This coin bears the inscription ERICVS REX and MONETA ABOENSIS. The inscription tells us that the coin was issued by King Erik of Pomerania and that it was struck at the mint in the port city of Turku in Finland. When the coin was minted, Finland was part of the Swedish Empire and this was a new denomination, known as the abo.

On the obverse (front) of the coin is an E on a cross, representing King Erik of Pomerania. On the reverse (back) is the initial of the mint, an A for Turku (Åbo). This coin was equivalent to 6 pennings. It was issued until about 1415, when the Turku mint began to mint 4-penning coins instead.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 104146_KMK

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