
1/2 riksdaler specie, Stockholm, Karl XIV Johan, 1836

From 1830-1831 onwards, ‘riksdaler specie’ began to appear on riksdaler coins of all denominations. For a long time, riksdaler coins had been called riksdaler specie, as opposed to riksdaler banknotes, which were either called riksdaler banco or riksgälds. Banco was used if the Riksbank issued them and riksgälds if it was the National Debt Office. In 1834, the rate was set at 1 riksdaler specie = 2 2/3 riksdaler banco or 4 riksdaler riksgälds.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 117248_KMK

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