
Penning, Sigtuna, Olof Skötkonung, circa 995–1000

This coin was minted around 995 in Sigtuna for King Olaf Skötkonung. The obverse (front) of the coin shows the king's portrait and the inscription ‘ONLAF REX AN STUE’. The legend is in Latin and means ‘Olof King of Sigtuna’. The reverse of the coin bears the inscription ‘GOPNE MON ATA SIT’, meaning ‘Godwine mintmaster of Sigtuna’. Godwine was an English mintmaster who seems to have helped the Scandinavian kings to start minting in their respective kingdoms. His name also appears on Danish and Norwegian coins.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 100059_KMK

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