
1 öre, Nyköping/Säter, Gustav II Adolf, 1625

On the obverse (front) of this coin we see the three crowns of Sweden surrounded by the year of minting, 1625, and the abbreviation G(ustavus) A(dolphus) R(ex) – King Gustaf Adolf. On the reverse is the crowned provincial coat of arms of Dalarna, the crossed arrows, and the denomination 1 öre. As the coins at this time were full bodied coins, meaning that their value corresponded to their metal value, 1 öre in copper was larger and heavier than 1 öre in silver, which is a more precious metal than copper. The square coins, the klippe coins, were produced between 1624 and 1627 and ceased to be legal tender in 1629. After that, only round copper coins were valid.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109601_KMK

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