
2 penning, Svartsjö, Gustav I Vasa, 1546

The 2-penning coin is mentioned together with the higher denomination 4 penning in a coinage order from 1543. Under Gustav Vasa, the 2 penning was minted in 1546 at the mint at Svartsjö Castle. The obverse depicts a standing lion with a background of streams. The obverse legend (the text on the front side) mentions that Gustav Vasa was King of Sweden. The reverse of the coin has a three-crown shield and the legend reads ‘OMNIS POTESTAS A DEO 46’, ‘all power is of God’ and 46 for the year 1546.
Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107134_KMK

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