
4 riksdaler, Stockholm, Karl IX, 1608

This coin speaks volumes in both word and image: King Karl IX is crowned King of Sweden. After Karl became king in 1604, he had initially been cautious and continued to use his title of imperial regent on his coins. But after his coronation in 1607, there was no holding him back.

We see the king, wearing armour and a cloak, with all the regalia of the realm: crown, sword, apple, sceptre and key together with the shields of the great coat of arms and the inscription: ‘CAROLUS IX D(EI) G(RATIE) SVECOR(UM) GOTHOR(UM) VANDALOR(UM) ETC(ETERA) REX’ which means ‘Karl IX with the grace of God King of the Swedes, the Goths, the Wends and so on’.

On the reverse of the coin we see Christ giving the blessing and the inscription: ‘SALVATOR MUNDI SALVA NOS’ - ‘Saviour of the world save us’ and the King's motto: ‘JEHOVA SOLATIUM - MEUM’ - ‘God is my comfort’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 108927_KMK

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