
1/6 skilling banco, Stockholm, Karl XIV Johan, 1839

When the 1776/1777 coinage act came into force, minted coins (riksdaler specie) and banknotes (riksdaler banco) were worth the same amount, they were at the same rate. But with inflation in 1808/1809, the coins became worth more than the banknotes, they went at different rates. It was then decided that the skilling coins would follow the value of the banknotes. In 1834, the exchange rate difference was set at 1 skilling specie = 2 ⅔ skilling banco. The following year, 1835, skilling banco coins were minted like the coin in the display case.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 117283_KMK

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