
1 stop, Ölsboda, 1890

This paper token dated back to the late 19th century and comes from Ölsboda. The token was valid as payment for one tankard of beer. Despite the name, Ölsboda does not refer to the drink (“öl” in Swedish means “beer”), but comes from Lake Ölen in Närke, where the Ölsboda ironworks was located until 1864 before it later became a nail smithy until the early 1900s.

1 tankard is equivalent to about 1.3 litres. Small beer, pilsner, lager, porter and export beer were all malted alcoholic beverages. Similar tokens were valid for 1 “sup”, 1 jug (= 2 tankards), 1 or ½ tankard of “Beer” or “Drink” and for “Food and Drink”.

Image rights: Ölsboda, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 600362_KMK

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