
1 fyrk, Västerås, Gustav I Vasa, 1528

The coin you see in the display case is a 1/2 örtug, also called fyrk, which was minted at the mint in Västerås under Gustav Vasa. The fyrk was minted extensively after 1523. There is a preserved copy of an ordinance (probably from 1522 or 1523) in which the ideal weight of the fyrk is set at 0.94 grams.

In Västerås, fyrk coins were minted with a wide variety of motifs. In the display case you can see a type with an A within a ring. The letter stands for Aros, which means river mouth. Westra Aros is an older name for Västerås. On the reverse is a crown with the inscription MONETA NOVA WESTARS, showing the mint town of Västerås.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106160_KMK

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