
1/4 daler, Svartsjö, Gustav I Vasa, 1544

The coin you see in the display case is a 1/4 daler minted at the mint in Svartsjö. In 1540 Gustav Vasa moved the mint to Svartsjö on Ekerö by Lake Mälaren. The mint remained in Svartsjö until 1550. 1/4 daler began to be minted in Sweden in 1534 and at Svartsjö from 1544, until 1550.

The coin in the display case was minted in 1544 and that year 2388 quarter-daler were minted at the mint, the following year, 1545, 12 777 were minted. The obverse (front) shows the king in profile wearing royal attributes such as the armour, crown and sword. Another type of ¼-daler was also minted in Svartsjö, where the king is not holding a sword.

The obverse inscription (the text on the front) states that Gustav Vasa is the King of the Swedes, the Goths and the Wends. The reverse motif consists of a crowned shield with the coat of arms of the Vasa dynasty, with the Vasa shield and with the year of minting, 44. The reverse inscription reads ‘BEATVS QVI TIMET DOMINUM’, which can be translated as ‘blessed is he who fears the Lord’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106834_KMK

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