
1/2 daler silvermynt, Stockholm, Avesta, Karl XII, 1717

In the spring of 1718, it was decided that all plate coins struck before 1715 were to be submitted for countermarking, i.e. placing an extra stamp on the coin. This stamp consisted of the year 1718 and the Göta lion.

This was because the older plate coins weighed more than the ones struck later. Hence they were worth more than the ones stamped with the same denominations in 1715.

The extra stamp gave them a value 50 per cent higher than the denomination stamped on the plate. A ½ daler silvermynt coin minted before 1715 thus became worth 3/4 daler silvermynt coin.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 122276_KMK

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