
10 daler silvermynt, Stockholm, Stockholms banco, 1666

This is what was known as a credit note, issued in 1666. The banknote has a number of security features to reduce the risk of counterfeiting: it is printed on a special kind of paper from the Uddby paper mill, with a watermark in the form of the word “BANCO”. The printer, probably Ignatius Meurer in Stockholm, also added a figured frame to make forgery even more complicated.

This banknote type was signed by hand by no fewer than eight people, with their personal seals and the bank’s own seal in three sizes. The same type of banknote issued in Riksdaler Specie or Dukater could also be used in international trade.

Image rights: Stockholms banco, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 801710_KMK

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