
1 öre kopparmynt, Avesta, Gustav III, 1778

King Gustav III's copper coinage was very sparse. 1 öre copper coins were minted only two years, 1772 and 1778. When the riksdaler became the main coin in 1776/1777, a riksdaler was divided into 48 skillings and 1 skilling into 12 rundstycken. A rundstycke, or runstycke as they are also called, was the same as one öre copper coin. Since Gustav III did not strike any skilling coins, the 1 öre coins were used instead as skilling coins and then 1 öre copper coin was 1/48 skilling.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116712_KMK

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