
5 kronor, Eskilstuna, Carl XVI Gustaf, 1976

Together with the öre coins, the 5-krona coins did not bear the king's portrait. As can be seen on this coin, the portrait is replaced by the king's crowned monogram together with the text ‘SVERIGE 1976’, where the year indicates the year of minting. The other side shows the coin's denomination together with the typical small mint marks, ‘E’, which refers to the mint in Eskilstuna and ‘U’, which is the initial of the person responsible for the minting, Bengt Ulvfot.

The 5 kronor denomination is still in use today, but was changed during the last coin and banknote change. This type of 5-krona coin therefore became invalid in 2017.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 118836_KMK

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