
Penning, Götaland, Erik Eriksson, 1222–1229, 1234–1250

The letters E R, which you can see on this coin, are usually interpreted as an abbreviation of “Ericus Rex” (“King Eric” in Latin). On some coins, the R has been replaced by an X or a cross. The sword symbolises strength, power and royalty, and the coin was probably issued by Erik Eriksson the Lisp and Lame.

This coin was produced in Götaland, but the letters E R have also been found on pennings from Svealand. On Svealand coins, the letters appear together with an image of a head with a crown.

Erik Eriksson the Lisp and Lame was born in 1216. He was elected king at just six years of age, but his reign was cut short when he was deposed by a rebellion at the age of 13. Erik regained power in 1234 and ruled until his death in 1250.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 100433_KMK

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