
Collection plate, Everlöv church, Scania, second half of the 12th century

“Collection” means to collect voluntary financial contributions at church services. Different objects have been used for this throughout the ages.

Offering sticks were used in the early Middle Ages. Collection plates were used between the 13th and the 18th centuries. These are made up of a partially covered tray with a low rim and a handle attached to one of the short sides. They often have a higher side panel that may be ornamented.

Over time, these plates were replaced by other objects. The most well-known is the collection bag. Another is the automatic collection point where people can make card payments. Many churches now allow offerings to be paid via Swish.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 115063_HST