
Penning, Västerås, Kristoffer av Bayern, 1441–1448

This penning was issued by King Kristoffer of Bavaria and bears the letter A with a crown above it. A stands for Västra Aros, Västerås, where the coin was made.

King Kristoffer issued several different bracteate pennings (coins that have an image on one side only) that have either a head or a letter with a crown over it. The coin with an A was issued the whole time he was in power.

Kristoffer of Bavaria was King of Sweden and Denmark between 1440 and 1448, and of Norway from 1442. He also issued coins of the örtug denomination.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 103377_KMK

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