
Penning, Denmark, Sven Forkbeard, circa 995–1000

The city of Lund was founded in the late 10th century. It was in Denmark in those days. The Danish king Sweyn Forkbeard began issuing coins there in around 995 AD. Lund became Denmark’s largest mint for several centuries.

There was close contact between Lund and Sigtuna, where the first Swedish coins were made. The first coins from both Lund and Sigtuna bear the English name Godwine and are based on the English “Crux” coin type.

There were other alliances between the kingdoms, too. Sweden and Denmark fought together against the Norwegian King Olaf Tryggvason at the Battle of Svolder in around 1000, for instance.

Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 300522_KMK

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