
5 riksdaler riksmynt, Malmö Enskilda Bank, 1865

By 1790, the Russo-Swedish War had been going on for two years, since 1788. The Royal General War Commissariat in Finland needed to pay salaries and provide supplies to the army. In 1790, in the absence of cash, bonds – a kind of banknote – were printed in twelve denominations, the highest being 2 riksdaler specie and the lowest 8 skillings specie.

Per Georg Fahnehielm, the Finnish commissary in Porvoo, stamped the notes with his signature. Hence the contemporary name “fahnehielmare”. These were unfortunately easy to forge, and people did so.

All “fahnehielmare” could be redeemed after the war.

Image rights: Malmö Enskilda Bank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 803273_KMK

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