
Medal for Gustav Vasa's funeral, 1560

This is one of the commemorative penning coins that Erik XIV had made to distribute at the funeral of his father, Gustav I Vasa, in 1560.

On the obverse we see a portrait of Gustav Vasa surrounded by his name and the title GOSTAWS D(EI) G(RATIE) REX SWECIE – Gustav King of Sweden by the grace of God. On the other side is the coat of arms of the House of Vasa, the sheaf. Around the sheaf are the words DEUS DAT CUI VULT – God gives to whom he will, which is taken from the Old Testament.

Gustav Vasa had introduced hereditary monarchy in Sweden in 1544, and on his death his eldest son, Erik, became king.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

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