
Örtug, Kalmar, Albrekt av Mecklenburg, 1364–1389

King Albrecht’s örtugs are modelled on the German Witten coin and were struck at the mints in Stockholm and the port cities of Kalmar in Småland and Söderköping in Östergötland. The coins from Kalmar show a crowned uncial E on one side, and on the other a cross with a crown at each angle. The inscription reads ALBERT DEI GRACIA on one side and MONETA KALMRNI on the other.

An as yet unsolved riddle is why the letter E appears on the Kalmar coins, while those from Söderköping show a crowned S? The coins from Stockholm show a crowned royal head, as on the pennings.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 103704_KMK

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