
1/2 riksdaler, Stockholm, Karl IX, 1606

The weight of this silver coin corresponds to 1/2 riksdaler and only two examples of the coin are known. If you read the inscription on the reverse of the coin, you will see that it says: ‘MONETA NOVA AUREA REGIS SVECIA’ which means ‘the new gold coin of the Kingdom of Sweden’. This tells us that the dies (stamps) were intended for striking gold coins, specifically King Karl IX's 16 gold marks in 1606. Before the gold coins were struck, the dies were tested on silver blanks. A few years ago, a test on a gold coin blank was also recognised. The difference between the test specimens and the finished coin is that the denomination 16 M(ark) has been added.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 108786_KMK

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