
1/2 skilling, Avesta, Karl XIII, 1815

This skilling coin is made of copper from Stora Kopparberget in Falun. This is where most of the copper that was minted in Avesta came from. But before the copper could be minted into coins, many steps had to be taken. After the ore was mined in the mine, it was refined into raw copper at a purification plant, a smelter, at the mine.

Back in Avesta, the copper was forged into sheets that were cut into rods, known as ingots. The ingots were rolled to the right thickness and then cut into round coin blanks, which were washed, annealed and cut. The fine pieces could then be minted into coins.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 117065_KMK

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