
Penning, Sigtuna, Anund Jakob, circa 1020–1030

Anund Jakob succeeded his father Olof Skötkonung as king in around AD 1020.

The coinage in Sigtuna changed under Anund. Efforts seem to have been made to make it more precise. Coins were made to a more stable weight, around 1 gram. More and more inscriptions became legible during the latter part of Anund’s reign, having previously been indistinct.

Anund’s coins usually bear the inscription “ANVND REX SI” or something similar. It can be read as “Anund King of Sigtuna”. One coin type bears the inscription “SIDEI”, which has sometimes been interpreted as meaning “God’s Sigtuna”.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 100194_KMK

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