
Örtug, Stockholm, Albrekt av Mecklenburg, c. 1370

This coin features the three-crown motif for the first time, with the crowns positioned as they are today. On the reverse, we see a cross within a pearl ring.

This coin is an örtug, issued by King Albrecht. The inscription indicates that the coins were issued by him as King of Sweden. On one side of the coin we see the words MONETA ALBERTVS, the coin of Albrecht, and on the other side REX DE SWECIA, King of Sweden.

This coin is rare, and the mint where it was struck is disputed. A hoard was found in the ruins of Falsterbohus Castle in Skåne (formerly Danish territory) in 1888 that included 36 örtugs of this type. A few others have been found on old Danish or German territory.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 103644_KMK

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