
1/28 gulden, Fürth, Gustav II Adolf, 1632

In 1632, Fürth in Bavaria was in the hands of Sweden after King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden captured the town. The obverse of the coin you see here features the large coat of arms of Sweden with the inscription (text): GUST(avus) ADOL(phus) S(veciae) G(othorum) V(andalorum) REX, which means King Gustaf Adolf of Sweden, King of Göte and Vende.

(28) stands for the denomination 1/28 gulden, and C S is the mark of mintmaster Conrad Stutz. A mintmaster was a person who supervised the work in the coin workshop.

The reverse (back) of the coin shows Christ with the inscription SALVATOR MUNDI ADIUVA NOS – Saviour of the world, help us.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 110267_KMK

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