
1/2 daler silvermynt, Ljusnedal, Fredrik I, 1748

In 1744, copper was found in Fröå near the village of Huså, which is situated south-east of Åreskutan in Jämtland. After the birth of Crown Prince Gustaf in 1746, the mine was named Prince Gustaf and the name of the entire copper works was changed to Gustafsbergsbolaget.

The company applied to mint both round coins and plate coins. They were licensed to produce plate coins in the 1 and 1½ daler silvermynt denominations. The dies were engraved in Avesta, but the centre stamp bore the mark of Gustafsbergsbolaget, a crowned G, instead of Avesta’s mint mark, the crossed Dalecarlian arrows.

Gustafsbergsbolaget produced its first plate coins in Huså in 1748.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 123053_KMK

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