
5 riksdaler riksmynt, Vadstena Enskilda Bank, 1867

Wadstena Enskilda Bank in Östergötland began operating in 1857. It was based in Vadstena and had several branch offices.

This banknote, with a denomination of 5 riksdaler riksmynt, shows two griffins holding the coat of arms of Vadstena, with Saint Birgitta and the initial W, for Wadstena. Birgitta is buried at Vadstena Abbey. This banknote was printed by P.A. Nymans Boktryckeri in Stockholm.

The last year on a banknote issued by Wadstena Enskilda Bank is 1877. The business was taken over by Östergötlands Enskilda Bank.

Image rights: Vadstena Enskilda Bank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 801495_KMK

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