
1 taler, Stade, Karl XI, 1686

This type of coin is very rare, and the coin you see here is a copy. This is a taler from the town of Stade in present-day Germany. The coin features a key, which was the city’s coat of arms, the German eagle and the name of the emperor.

Stade was the capital of the Duchy of Bremen-Verden, which was held by Sweden between 1648 and 1719. Coins were struck here according to North German coinage, with the image of the Swedish sovereign.

Coins were also struck on behalf of the city on two occasions, in 1676 and 1686. But the Swedes prevented these coins being issued in 1686, when the taler coins bore the German eagle and the name of the emperor in addition to the city’s coat of arms.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3234634

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