
15 öre, Svartsjö, Gustav I Vasa, 1543

In 1540, the Stockholm mint moved to Svartsjö Castle on Ekerö, just outside the city. Between 1542 and 1543, King Gustav Vasa experienced his most serious domestic political crisis, as a result of a peasant uprising starting in Småland, sometimes called the Dacke Feud. The leader of the rebellion was the farmer Nils Dacke. The rebellion was put down in the summer of 1543. During the Dacke rebellion, coins were struck with 15 öre being the highest denomination. 12-öre coins, 4-öre coins and 2-öre coins were also minted.

Coinage at Svartsjö Castle continued until 1550. The 15-öre klippe coin was minted in 4650 pieces, had a weight of about 22.57 g and was intended to pay for foreign servants in Gustav Vasa's service. The obverse (front) shows a crowned G with the year 1543. The reverse shows ‘three crowns’ and the denomination 15 ÖR.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107139_KMK

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