
8 öre silvermynt, Stockholm, Adolf Fredrik, 1771

On the obverse of this 8-öre coin we see King Adolf Fredrik's crowned name cipher ‘A F’ and his motto written in Latin: ‘SALUS PUBLICA SALUS MEA’ - ‘the welfare of the state is my welfare’. Adolf Fredrik was the last Swedish king to use a motto in Latin. The regents immediately before him had started to write their motto in Swedish, and after Adolf Fredrik the mottoes were written exclusively in Swedish. On the reverse of the coin we see the small coat of arms, the denomination of 8 öre (which was equal to 1/12 of a riksdaler) and the mintmaster's mark AL. The mintmaster was the person who supervised the work in the mint. The engraver of the stamps was Carl Gustaf Fehrman, but his signature does not appear on the coin.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116579_KMK

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