
1000 kronor, Tumba, Sveriges riksbank, 2005

The artist Cornelius Arentz's portrait of King Gustav Vasa adorns the obverse of the 1000-krona banknote issued in 1989. In the background is an image of Stockholm, an interpretation of the famous Vädersolstavla hanging in Storkyrkan in Gamla Stan. One of the circles immediately to the left of the portrait is micro-engraved. It repeats the Latin text ‘SCRIPTURAM IN PROPRIA HABEANT LINGUA’ (They may have the Holy Scripture in their own language).

The design on the reverse of the banknote is an illustration taken from Olaus Magnus' History of the Nordic Peoples, first published in 1555.

Image rights: Sveriges riksbank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (BUS)

Object number: 3118923

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