
Denar, Roman Empire, Rome, Faustina I, 141–161

Faustina the Elder was a Roman empress who lived between 100 and 140 AD. She was a popular empress who was involved in girls’ education and charity.

The obverse (front) of this denarius shows Faustina with her signature hairstyle and the inscription DIVA FAUSTINA, which shows that she was deified after she died. On the reverse (back) is a peacock, which was the symbol of immortality and loyalty.

Faustina was the niece of Emperor Hadrian and was married to Emperor Septimus Severus. They had several children, including the future Empress Faustina the Younger, and a nephew/adopted son by the name of Marcus Aurelius, who would also go on to become Emperor.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3045510

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