
Bowl, Rudolf Wittkopf, Stockholm 1703

The Lohe hoard includes the bowl or “bulle” that you see here. The bowl has a matte finish and is made of silver. The inside of the bowl, the rim and the top of the handles are gilded, though.

The letters IL are engraved on the underside of the handle. These may be the initials of Johanna Lohe (1690–1759), who lived at the property at Lilla Nygatan 5, where the hoard was found, together with her brother Adolphe Tobias Lohe (1683–1759) until 1759.

The bowl was made by the goldsmith Rudolf Wittkopf (who was active from 1687 to 1722) in Stockholm in 1703.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 1171378_HST

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