
24 skillingar riksgälds, Stockholm, Riksgäldskontoret, 1801

The first Riksgäld notes were issued in 1789, the same year in which the Swedish National Debt Office was established. The original purpose of their issue was to deal with the funding of Gustav III’s war against Russia (1788–1790). Riksgäld notes were supposed to have the same value as their banknote equivalents, but the exchange rate fell rapidly and the Riksgäld notes lost value against banknotes.

Banknotes were gradually forced out of circulation by Riksgäld notes, to the extent that the Riksbank completely stopped issuing banknotes between 1792 and 1801.

The Swedish National Debt Office stopped issuing notes after the coinage reform of 1834. Riksgäld notes could be redeemed until 1846, when they became invalid.

Image rights: Riksgäldskontoret, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 802619_KMK

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